

Why wet food for your dog or cat?

Why wet food for your dog or cat?

Sep 11th 2024

If going through the kibble aisle and reviewing all of the super premium, premium and value options at your local pet store was not enough, you are in luck. You have an aisle of canned wet food to consider for your dog or cat! All of these great foods! All of these fantastic options! Or are they?

As you go down the aisle, you are probably wondering (what we all do, let’s be honest), which is the best food for my pet? Between wet and dry, which of these foods will really give them the nutrition they need? On all of the bags and cans they say they are just the perfect food on the label. But are they really?

Happy to report Activa Custom is here to help!

The advantages and disadvantages of wet and dry foods are different for dogs and cats when thinking about which type is the best for them. In the considerations we have for you, we will point out the differences for dogs and cats along the way.

The considerations for wet food

Hydration: Wet food contains more water which can help keep your dog or cat hydrated. Wet food is not a substitute for always having an always full water bowl, but it can help provide additional hydration. Cats can have a lower interest in water, so wet food can help them stay hydrated.

Palatability: Dogs can often find wet food more appetizing than dry kibble, which can be a good option for picky eaters. Remember, some dry kibble has suffered the depletion of the food’s freshness and taste because of time on storage shelves. Whether you pick wet or dry food, always look for production or expiration dates to ensure you are getting the freshest and tastiest food available.

Dental and Age: Wet food can be easier for older pets with dental issues or those that have trouble chewing. Wet food can be softer and easier on the digestive system, which is particularly beneficial for senior pets with any dental issues.

The considerations for dry food

Dental Health: Dry kibble can help clean your pets' teeth by reducing plaque and tartar buildup by simply the chewing that is necessary to eat. Chewing kibble on a daily basis can help with oral health and reduce the likelihood of dental diseases in dogs and cats.

Cost-Effective: Dry food can be generally more affordable than wet food. It also lasts longer when stored properly, allowing you to buy in larger quantities to save money.

Convenience: Dry food is easier to store and serve. As for the storage of dry food, cool and dry locations can help maintain freshness. Also, some pets prefer to graze throughout the day. Dry food can be left out for pets to enjoy without worrying about refrigeration or spoilage.

Or you may like the benefits of wet and dry foods? Maybe try mix feeding? Mixed feeding can give dogs and cats the best of both worlds. Mixed feeding provides hydration and enhanced taste through the wet food while maintaining dental health through dry kibble. Depending on the foods you choose, combining dry and wet foods can provide a balanced approach to nutrition.

The reality is the best choice depends on your pet’s individual needs and lifestyle.

You may want to consult your veterinarian to ensure your dog or cat’s specific nutritional needs are met. Quality of pet food really matters. Regardless of wet or dry pet food, choose a high quality food with the appropriate amounts of protein, vitamins, minerals and fats your dog or cat needs. You will also want to be mindful of the amount of food or the portions of food your dog or cat is consuming. Many food labels provide recommendations on the appropriate portions based on your dog or cat’s weight and age.

Activa Custom prides itself on making the dog and cat foods that are nutritionally appropriate for your pet given their lifestyle, age and health requirements. We know all dogs and cats are different so determine where your pet needs the extra support and pick from over 20 Nutritional Supplements such as those for Behavioral, Breed, Health, Lifestage, or those that are specific for Cats. If you are worried about feeding stale foods that do not have the freshness or taste your pet needs, Activa Custom allows you to add Coconut, Salmon, Olive and Sunflower Oils just before feeding to lock in your food’s freshness and taste!

We hope we have provided you with more education as you enter the long crowded pet food aisles. Good luck choosing the best foods for your pet!