April Is a Great Time For A Gut Check
Apr 10th 2024
A new year always brings resolutions or commitments to do better than the year before. This likely holds true not only for you, but for your dogs and cats too. No table scraps in 2024, walks at least three times a week, brushes teeth weekly, no sitting on the couch and the list goes on and on.
After the 1st three months of the year, it might be a good idea to check on these “doggy” commitments and if your pet's diet was not on your list of resolutions it might be a good idea to check on her/his diet.
As you think about your dog or cat’s diet you may want to consider gut health. What do we mean by gut health? Gut health in this sense is your dog’s digestive health. Digestions issues like diarrhea, weak immune system or anxiety could be signs your pet’s gut health is not in check.
Good gut health is critical to a dog or cat’s well-being. A healthy gut makes sure there is proper daily digestion (firmer poops), an optimal absorption of nutrients, offers more energy and helps maintain a strong immune system.
If you haven’t already, introducing a proper amount of probiotics in your dog or cat’s diet is a great way to ensure your pet has a good strong healthy gut. So what exactly are probiotics? Probiotics are live microorganisms that can provide health benefits in your pet’s digestive system. Moreover, when probiotics are fed they adhere to your dog or cat’s gastrointestinal lining and lookout for bad bacterias and prevent them from being ingested that can cause disease.
Probiotics can be another “thing” you need to remember and this “thing” can be an additional expense. We are here to tell you that probiotics do not have to be any of these.
In Activa Custom, you can add Nutritional Supplements to your Grain Free, No Corn or Original lines of food. Add Nutritional Supplements like Digestion, Adult, Calming, Growth, Senior, Skin & Coat, Small Breed and Indoor Cat. All Supplements are added in the right amounts by Activa Custom in each bag so you don’t have to worry about it. In addition, the first two Supplements are free so you don’t need to bother with the added expense.
If you are looking for outside food supplements for your current food, consider Activa Custom’s Digestion Functional Chew for dogs and cats or Calming Functional Chew for dogs.
Let Activa Custom help keep your dog or cat’s gut in check.