

 Why isn’t my dog eating as much in the Summer?

Why isn’t my dog eating as much in the Summer?

Aug 6th 2024

Many of our customers are in Florida. We hope Hurricane Debby does not impact you and any damage is very limited. Our fingers are crossed for you.

For the rest of us finishing off Summer 2024, can you believe August is already here? Hard to believe, but seeing kids' backpacks, football and school cafeteria schedules, increased traffic, Halloween candy already in the grocery stores (don’t get me started) and the sweltering heat only reminds us that Summer is almost gone.

Speaking of the sweltering heat, depending on where you live you may have a couple of weeks left or you may have a month more left!

We know All Pets Are Different, but at least around our house I have found that my dogs are eating less and less. It seems to me their appetite is tied to the temperature. The hotter it gets, the less they eat?

Maybe you have noticed this too? Is there something wrong? Is this worthy of concern?

Through research and years of experience, we have found that dogs often eat less in the Summer for a few different reasons. It could be from

  1. Heat: Just like us, dogs can often lose their appetite when it's hot outside. I know I don’t feel like eating big meals when it is hot outside. Dogs may not feel as hungry or may prefer lighter foods during the heat of the Summer.
  2. Exercise: Dogs will often exercise less when it is really hot outside and like to be indoors more. Not exercising as much and being indoors can lead to a reduced appetite. It makes sense, if your dog is not burning as many calories, they might not be very hungry.
  3. Hydration: Have you noticed that you have had to tend to the water bowl more these days? Me too, it seems to me like I just can’t keep it full. Hydration could also impact a dog’s appetite. Dogs may drink more water to stay hydrated in the heat, which can sometimes leave less room for food.
  4. Summer Mood: What’s that song? Ah yes, Summertime Sadness? Again, much like some of us, some dogs become more lethargic or change their behavior during the Summer months, which can impact their eating habits.
  5. Vacations and Travel: I have heard from several of you thatyour dog’s just hate the sight of suitcases, pet sitters and disruption of scheduled routines because of Summer travel. I can relate. Our dogs do not eat as much or as often when they know travel is coming or when we are on a trip and they are home watching our house. Vacations and travel can disrupt eating habits.

If your dog seems healthy other than not eating as much, it's generally not a major concern. It is just that time of year.

However, to help your dog (and you) get through the rest of the Summer consider creating cool spaces for them indoors and outdoors. Look for areas with plenty of shade or create them and consider areas outside with grassy areas. Grass is typically less hotter than asphalt. Also, you may want to avoid those mid afternoon walks and runs and option for a cooler part of the day such as earlier mornings or later in the evenings. You may also want to increase your dog’s grooming habit. Brushing your dog regularly will help them stay cool and can reduce shedding.

And we know, this goes without saying, but make sure they always have access to fresh water whether they are inside or outside.

Lastly, if you think it is not the heat suppressing your dog’s appetite, you may want to make a subtle change to their food. You know your dog the best. Trying the same food in a different Protein could be that subtle change. Try mixing it up for them. Activa Custom comes in over ten nutritious proteins including Original Rabbit, No Corn Lamb, Grain Free Venison, or No Corn Turkey to increase interest in Summer meals. Let us not forget one of our favorites, Grain Free No Potato Oceanfish & Salmon!

If the reduced appetite persists or is accompanied by other symptoms like lethargy or weight loss, it would be a good idea to check in with your vet.

And hang in there! Summer is almost behind us and we will be more worried about the cooler temperatures again soon! Keep your cool! Until next time!